The Religious Ceremonies and Customs of the Several Nations of the Known World. Represented in above an Hundred Copper-plates, together with historical explanations, and several curious dissertations written originally in French, and now published in English, with very considerable amendments and additions. 7 in 6 Bdn. London, Prevost und Du Bosc, 1731-39. Gr.-Fol. (46,5 x 29 cm; Bde. I-III) und Fol. (41 x 26 cm). Mit 7 tls. wdh. gestoch. Titelvign., 219 (statt 220) tls. doppelblattgr. und gefalt. Kupfertafeln sowie einigen gestoch. figürl. Kopfvign. Restauriertes Ldr. d. Zt. (Rücken erneuert). (114)