Highlights of the past Auction 65

Eugippius, Excerpta ex operibus sancti Augustini

Latin manuscript on vellum, Northern Italy, 9th century

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Latin manuscript in Carolingian minuscule, 252 leaves. Sole known medieval copy of this text in private hands. Manuscript for use without illumination. Contains some special text parts and appendices. Provenance: From the Irma Rutishauser collection, in the late 18th century still provably owned by a monastery in the Piedmont. Half vellum binding of the 17th or 18th century. The manuscript was researched and dated by Bernhard Bischoff. It was described in several publications and classified in the context of the tradition of the text.Altogether very well preserved.Estimate still to be announced.
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Collection of autographs from the time of the Third Reich

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From our special catalogue “theatre”

Playbills of the 19th century

Extensive collection of more than 100.000 theatre, concert, artistic rider and showmen playbills

Frohsinn_01 Oden_3
Hof & National Theater_07 Kunstreiter_4
Kunstreiter_11 Kunstreiter_21
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Playbills of the early stages of Munich, Bamberg, Frankfurt, Vienna etc., some printed on silk, many also related to important premieres. Many richly-illustrated announcement bills to acrobatic and artistic rider performances as well as circus events by known and unknown showmen troupes, furthermore concert playbills for performances at the Munich Odeon. There is a special page setup to the topic theatre and trick rider playbills:
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Augsburg paper theatre of the 18th century

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Exceptional collection of 18 small dioramas (offered in single lots) from the publishing house of the Augsburg engraver Martin Engelbrecht, some of them unknown so far. The illustrations show religious and biblical scenes, a riding school, an acrobat performance by Pandurs, balls and banquets, garden scenes with parties, concerts and huntings, Venetian masquerades in ballrooms etc., in partly very elaborate and magnificent sceneries, mostly in a very good state of preservation. Estimates between 600 and 1500 Euro.
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Unknown manuscript by the Munich visual chronicler Johann Paul Stimmelmayr (1747-1826)

Conversations in the Brunner-Gärtel from 1783 till 1823

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Kennern der Geschichte Münchens ist der Name Stimmelmayr ein Begriff, vor allem wegen seiner sechsbändigen, fleißig mit Zeichnungen illustrierten Stadtgeschichte.Seine Aufzeichnungen zu den geselligen Unterhaltungen im Brunner -Gärtel (später Ring-Gärtel), einem Gasthaus in der Nähe des Karlstores, umfassen 270 eng beschriebene Seiten im Oktavformat. Lieder und Verse, Berichte über kleine Feiern und Scherze, darunter auch eine farbig illustrierte Parodie auf das junge bayerische Königtum, zahlreiche Anekdoten aus dem ländlichen Oberbayern um Zangberg und Mühldorf und nicht zuletzt die an illustren Namen reichen Gästelisten bieten eine reiche Fundgrube zur Lokalgeschichte und Mentalität der Zeit.

Section technology and history

Zeppelin collection – autographs, documents, photographs

195036_01 195339_03
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195016_02 195016_06
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Marconi – The Transatlantic Times, 1899

The first newspaper printed on board an ocean liner on the basis of radio messages. Passenger steamship St. Paul, “66 miles from Needles”, 15. 11. 1899.

Extremely rare original version with attached telegraph strips, signed by radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937). Estimate: 3000 Euro.

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Section photography

Photographs of the 19th century by known and unknown photographers, including works by Édouard Baldus, Frères Bisson, Dioneo Tadolini

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Bisson Frärres_02 Bisson Frärres_03
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Fiorentini_01 Fiorentini_02
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Diono Tadolini_01 Abdullah-Frärres_01
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Jacob Leser_01 Jacob Leser_03
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Geography and maps

Manuscript maps

194592_01 194596_02
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